Roberta Plant

Roberta joined Markham Realty as a Realtor© in 1999. During the past 25 years, she has enjoyed representing both buyers and sellers. Collaborating tirelessly with her buyers to find just the right home, or acreage property and with sellers to get their property in top market condition are strengths. She has a knack for rearranging and staging to maximize appeal of both interior and exterior spaces.
Her degree is in Family and Consumer Science-Home Economics and Art, professional experience as an electric utility home economist, educational speaker, customer relations trainer and manager provided a strong and relevant foundation for her second career as a Realtor©.
She has been a leader and active in both local and state professional realtor organizations. She’s a past president, treasurer and director locally and served multiple terms on Texas Realtors© Infrastructure and Utilities Committee. Roberta was chair of the Wynne Home Art Center organizational Marketing Committee, is a past member of the Friends Board, co- chaired the Dana Nicolay A Wynne Home Nutcracker events and currently is on the gallery committee. She’s been a member of the appraisal review board and several City of Huntsville committees and the Board of Adjustments.
An enthusiastic resident of Huntsville since 1982, she raised three sons and has five grandchildren. Visiting, camping and hiking numerous national parks while sketching and painting are treasured life events.
Her Markham Realty client friends enjoy her sense of humor, wisdom and personal attention their unique real estate needs. She will make your real estate experience an enjoyable adventure while keeping your needs and best interests as her top priority.